UCSC Genome Browser on Human (GRCh38/hg38)
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chr7:6,374,603-6,404,043 29,441 bp.
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+   Mapping and Sequencing
+   Genes and Gene Predictions
+   Phenotype and Literature
-   Human Pangenome - HPRC
Multiple Alignment
Pairwise Alignments
Short Variants
-   Single Cell RNA-seq
Blood (PBMC) Hao
Colon Wang
Cortex Velmeshev
Cross Tissue Nuclei
Fetal Gene Atlas
Heart Cell Atlas
Ileum Wang
Kidney Stewart
Liver MacParland
Lung Travaglini
Merged Cells
Muscle De Micheli
Pancreas Baron
Placenta Vento-Tormo
Rectum Wang
Skin Sole-Boldo
Tabula Sapiens
+   mRNA and EST
+   Expression
-   Regulation
ENCODE Regulation
CpG Islands
GTEx cis-eQTLs
Hi-C and Micro-C
updated JASPAR Transcription Factors
RefSeq Func Elems
ReMap ChIP-seq
VISTA Enhancers
+   Comparative Genomics
+   Variation
+   Repeats
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